A Scientific Diet For Hermit Crabs, Lobsters, Crawfish and Other Aquatic Scavengers.
- This uniquely balanced formulation offers necessary nutrients that promote proper shell development for necessary defense from predators.
- A rapidly sinking stick which allows most bottom feeding scavengers ready access and extended feeding.
- Promotes proper growth and form with a taste most bottom dwellers will love.
- Naturally offers higher levels of color enhancers which help develop true coloration.
For lobsters, shrimp, underwater crawfish and other aquatic scavengers, feed 1-4 mini sticks twice a day based on size. Care should be taken to avoid over-feeding and always remove uneaten food after feeding period to avoid health impacting water quality issues.For hermit crabs feed in a clean shallow dish once a week. After 24 hours remove the food from the enclosure. Feed an amount equal to 2 grams of food (approximately a thimble full) for each hermit crab per feeding.